Wie man Fasan ohne Hund jagt
Who says you must have a four-legged furry companion wherever you go after upland birds? Even though a canine’s senses are a match to none, you can have just as much success if you know […]
Fasane, Truthähne, Tauben, wir jagen sie alle und dies ist unser Artikel über die Vogeljagd.
Who says you must have a four-legged furry companion wherever you go after upland birds? Even though a canine’s senses are a match to none, you can have just as much success if you know […]
Hunting beautiful upland birds allows you to get outside and socialize with other hunters. It’s also a lot of fun and a viable opportunity to exercise. Above all, nothing beats the adrenaline rush of a
Waterfowl require a gun that delivers accuracy, power, and recoil balance for hunting. The best shotgun should also be lightweight enough, allowing a hunter to carry it all day without shoulder or arm soreness and
Besides a bird dog, the most crucial piece for upland bird hunting is the shotgun. It needs to be accurate, durable, and enjoyable yet easy to carry. So, what outstanding features do you look out
Magpies are wild migratory birds that have ruffled a few feathers with humans over the years. Because Magpies are unlike other wild birds like grouse, turkey, and pheasants, they are always open for hunting, and
If you’ve been lucky to observe an owl for some time, you’ll see how strange they go about their activities. They have a unique way of preening, sleeping, flying, and even hunting or consuming prey
Kacken Eulen? Alles, was Sie über den Ausscheidungsprozess der Eule wissen müssen Mehr lesen "
When you are in the fields for turkeys, understanding their mating behavior can mean filling your tag or finishing the spring with zero for your efforts. Every hunter knows the strut when they see gobblers
Turkey hunting season is a time hunters look forward to every coming spring. Early preparations will ensure that you have a good start and that your hunting strategies are effective. Using a turkey decoy is
Wie benutzt man Truthahnköder? Ein Leitfaden für Anfänger Mehr lesen "
Each turkey hunting season in the spring is triggered by one thing; when the species begins to breed. As part of your hunting itinerary, it’s necessary to know about your prey with as much vigor
Shooting a Turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun requires articulation and preparation, but where do you shoot a Turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun? When hunting with a 12 gauge, you should first focus on the turkey’s
Wo man mit einem Kaliber 12 auf Truthahn schießt Mehr lesen "