Where to Shoot a Turkey with a 12 Gauge

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Shooting a Turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun requires articulation and preparation, but where do you shoot a Turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun? When hunting with a 12 gauge, you should first focus on the turkey’s neck area. Turkey will never survive a powerful shot on its neck. On the other hand, a booming shot begins with a well-chosen shot angle. 

A successful turkey hunting experience doesn’t only start with identifying the ideal spot on a Turkey to shoot. You should begin with patterning your shotgun for effective Turkey hunting. But how do you achieve this? Let us find out below.

12 Gauge Turkey Hunting Tips

Turkey hunting indeed offers an enjoyment galore outdoors. However, there’s a lot more involved before you can successfully bring the bird home. Your success will significantly depend on the woodsmanship and how you respond to all the hunting situations.

Another crucial thing to master is, knowing how to shoot a turkey in its vital areas. This might seem pretty simple, especially when your target appears in a reasonable range. But don’t be fooled; many Turkey hunters will tell you how it is easy to miss your target.

Patterning Your Shotgun for Turkey Hunting

This is one of the important considerations when going for turkey hunting. Patterning your shotgun is both essential when you’re hunting with a mentor or not. A well-patterned shotgun ensures you’re ready for any turkey that walks your way. Also, you need to spend a lot of time on the range with your shotgun. This helps you get familiar with how it operates. 

When you pattern your shotgun, it helps you get ready for the hunt. Giving it much priority also grants you the confidence and builds your gun-handling abilities when on a hunt. For you to pattern a gun for turkey hunting, there are few items you’ll need.

It would be best to have your gun, a box of shells, and a few targets to train with. It is essential to understand every gun and shell combination work quite differently. Therefore, in this case, ensure you pick ammunition that suits your 12-gauge shotgun.

Apart from patterning your gun, there are other preparations you need to go through as a Turkey hunter. All of which work best in making sure you are ready to hit the woods. It also boosts your confidence as you get to equip yourself with all the information you need while on the hunt.

Getting the Best Shooting Range

If you’re a good hunter, you need to find out the best range from which you can successfully put down a Turkey. This is more important if you’re using a 12-gauge shotgun. Some hunters would want to brag how their gauges can tip over a Turkey from long yard distances.

This isn’t good advice to follow if you are a novice hunter. Shots taken at long distances are often known to be less effective in killing Turkeys. If you want to try the gamble, be ready to watch some Turkey scatter with leg and wing injuries. You wouldn’t want this, would you?

The best way to go about it first involves sticking to your gun. At a good shooting range, a 12-gauge shotgun is very much effective. The gun can help you take out a Turkey, even from 35 yards’ distance. However, you need to maintain your calm, as Turkeys are moving targets.

When you’re estimating a shot with your 12-gauge shotgun, find out about the objects in your way. The twigs and other obstructions in the course may also affect the shot patterns. A well-chambered 12 gauge can deliver the power you need to kill a Turkey instantly at a reasonable range.

Where to Aim for a Turkey Shot

To get an effective shot first begins with having a good aim. It is better to always aim in the direction where the bird is oncoming. Turkeys are known to be noisy, but sometimes they’ll appear quietly. If it happens so, wait until their head is behind an obstruction before moving your shotgun.

Aim your shot at the base area of the bird’s neck where feathers meet the neck. Most hunters seek to aim at the head. This is not advisable, as turkey may move their head. You’ll probably miss if this happens after you’ve released your shot. Aiming at the head may also result in the shot pattern buzzing over the turkey. This, therefore, means you shall have lost your target.

The best way to take your shot always begins with a good aim at the right places. Not only does it guarantee a kill, but it also ensures the birds don’t escape with injuries. Train well on how best you can get a clean shot and do it consistently. Also, ensure you have chosen the right turkey loads.

How to Get Turkey in the Right Place for A Good Shot

Turkeys usually have good eyesight, which they use to detect movement. If you’re in a close shooting position, avoid movements at all costs. Their eyes are the best defense they’ve got. You can get them in a good shooting position by slightly laying low in irregular terrain.

If you do this, ensure you’re also well camouflaged. Picking hunting equipment and clothing that blends with your background will give you an added advantage. This will break your outline, leaving you to aim for the shot unnoticeable.

Turkey’s calls will also help get the bird in the right place to take a shot. Start with the calls to lure them close to you. Box calls usually help you get a consistent sound. There are also diaphragm or mouth calls, wingbone, and the pot and striker calls made with a slate.


Finding the right place to shoot a turkey with 12 gauge is not a difficult task. Consistent practice, dedication, and a good shotgun will help you get your shot. Turkey will never survive the power of a 12 gauge. Just ensure you aim at the neck area, and take a clean shot.

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