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Yes, although not common, it’s possible to find titanium ammunition, and these are available in various calibers. Titanium is one of the most robust metals; it is corrosion free and durable, just to mention some of its benefits. Its use cuts across engineering and industrial application due to its strength.
Finding these kinds of bullets can be difficult, and it’s because they are limited in production. Manufacturing them is never the issue but finding a market for constant demand of the ammunition is difficult. It’s because shooters use the standard bullets and other models mostly, this makes titanium ammunition not the preferred option. However, in some platforms, you can request this special ammunition, and they’ll produce and deliver it to you.
Titanium has the highest strength to density ratio compared to any metallic element. Since there are a variety of materials used in making ammunition, titanium is also a viable option. But, some factors make this type of ammunition a bit difficult to work with. These issues with the metal pose a massive problem for both the manufacturer and end-user.
Why is Titanium Ammunition Rare?
This metal is more robust than steel and most metals used for making bullets, but it’s not the best for ammunition. It’s not to say that it can’t be effective, in some shooting situations it can cause the damage required. Here are the reasons why this type of ammunition is uncommon.
The Metal is Hard to Machine
Manufacturers rarely produce titanium bullets because they are demanding and challenging to work with. First, it doesn’t melt quickly, and it will need 1,668 °C to melt completely, which is significant. Also, cutting and designing the metal to the preferred size or shape is difficult; this makes manufacturers avoid it. In general, fabrication of titanium metal into bullets, especially using machinery is too demanding.
Titanium is Expensive
This metal is expensive and since the production cost is on the higher side, makes the bullet more expensive. Also, the world’s supply of titanium is limited hence its high price. This discourages shooters from buying titanium ammunition and makers from producing them.
The Metal is Too Light
Titanium is a light material which would not be ideal for making bullets. The weight of around is something which offers shooters with an added advantage when shooting. Since the bullet is sure to be lightweight, it means that it can travel faster. But the round will decelerate equally quicker making titanium’s low-density feature a disadvantage.
The Ammunition is Very Rigid
This ammunition is hard, and this limits its use because it destroys barrel refills which don’t happen with high density rounds. These rifles are essential because they aid in increasing the velocity of ammunition. Due to its strength, when passing through a firearm’s barrel as it winds, it will scratch the inside. Hence, with time the rifling will be scratched off making the gun unusable.
How Does Titanium Ammunition Work?
Can Titanium Ammunition Penetrate Armored Surfaces?
Titanium rounds are tough, and when they go through penetrable surfaces, they get scratched instead of expanding. They rarely deform, and this would allow you to use the rounds, especially if you are in a shooting range. Although, this applies to the short-ranges since you need to collect them if you’re to reuse. You should understand that titanium bullets are the most used when it comes to armor piercing.
With their strength, these rounds can smoothly go through any armored surface. But, there is a downside when it comes to the shooting range for them to be effective. You have to be closer to the subject for the bullets to go through. It’s because they decelerate quicker; hence, if shot from a far distance, they might not efficiently perform their purpose.
Can Titanium Ammunition Be Used For Hunting?
You can also use titanium bullets in almost all forms of shooting except in long-range shooting. Also military use is prohibited since it would cost a fortune considering the number of rounds they usually need. These bullets are ideal for hunting and self-defense. If you fancy a shot with enough strength to penetrate even a big game, this kind is perfect.
What’s better is you can retrieve it after killing your game, it will come out as well as it was. All you’ll have to do is fit it to another round casing, mainly if you are using a shotgun. This is the fascinating thing about titanium bullets. You have to ensure you’re a good shot so that you don’t lose the rounds in the wild.
That’s if you wish to recover them because they can be so expensive you might be forced to do that. These rounds can kill you any game since their penetrating capability is unrestricted. Be it elks or any game with a thick skin. No laws restrict their use since they don’t have any harmful effect on the game or the environment.
And for hunters concerned on whether it can effectively kill, it can just like any other hunting ammunition. As long as you understand where to hit the animal, you can kill these bullets without making it suffer.
How Much Force Does a Titanium Bullet Dispel?
The issue to do with force will vary depending on the type of firearm and the cartridge caliber. For a handgun when using small-caliber ammunition, then you can get 1.4 Newton which isn’t much. Especially when you compare with a standard lead round which gives you 16 Newton? Therefore, when shooting games using titanium rounds, you have to be close to the target, not excessively but pretty close.
Which Guns Can Fire Titanium Ammunition?
One of the most used smoothbore shotguns for shooting titanium rounds is the Winchester 12 Gauge. The Winchester models are more available on the market, and they are deemed best for shooting these unique cartridges. On the list, you will also find the 6.5 Grendel, the Winchester 308, 338, and lastly the 300 Blackouts.
These are just some of the few guns you will find, but it doesn’t mean you can use the standard type. As long as the bullet can fit the firearm, then it can be fired. But, you have to be willing to keep replacing your gun time and again.
How Much Recoil Does Guns Using Titanium Ammunition Dispel?
When a gun recoils, it gives a shove, and this will differ from gun to gun. The type of ammunition used with a weapon will also have a particular effect on the gun’s recoil. Titanium ammunition is a special kind, and they offer minimal recoil when discharged from a firearm. The recoil is still there, but you won’t feel like as much as you would with other rounds.
Nonetheless, to experience this, it’s imperative to make sure you use the right firearm for the ammunition. You’ll need a titanium round that is coated with a different metal if you still insist on using them frequently.
Smoothbore or Rifled Barrels for Titanium Ammunition
When a shooter is looking for a gun, precision to detail is essential. You have to understand why you are acquiring that gun. This will entail how you are going to use it and the type of ammunition you are going to use. For titanium rounds, they do require a unique barrel because of their stiffness.
But, you will find different types of titanium ammunition category. Some bullets will be full titanium. Others will encompass the tip being titanium and the rest of the body will be lead. For ammunition with a titanium tip, then this can be fired from a standard gun. If the bullet is all titanium, it’s vital you get a barrel that is smoothbore.
Smoothbore barrels are usually smooth, they don’t have grooves, and this is perfect for titanium ammunition. On the other hand, rifled barrels will have grooves which run through the barrel in a winding manner. Their primary use is to aid the bullet to gain more velocity as it leaves the barrel. These rifled barrels are not best for titanium ammunition as seen before.
Therefore, if you want to ease your shooting, you should use the smoothbore since this will not decelerate the rounds. This slowing will occur when the rifles or lands come in contact with the titanium round.
Comparison between Titanium Ammunition and Lead Rounds
A comparison between the two might be a little far fetched because these are two metals with diverse features. Lead metal is the most used in making ammunition, and it’s favored because it’s the reverse of titanium. It has high density, soft, expands and melts with ease.
In comparison, then it’s plain to see that the titanium ammunition doesn’t expand. At a matter of fact, titanium rounds can only shatter when they hit a target. But this is down to the conditions it’s subjected to before shooting and the environment. When it’s too cold or under low temperatures, this metal will disintegrate since it’s malleable. Nevertheless, this doesn’t frequently happen, and the circumstances have to be extreme.
Also, the possibility of causing unwanted casualties with titanium is high compared to lead rounds. With the strength of the titanium bullets, they will enter a medium and exit instead of expanding. For lead rounds, they usually expand upon impact. The expansion purpose is to stop the bullet after it has hit the target for others safety.
Grazing of Barrel Grooves
The scratching of the barrel grooves doesn’t happen with lead bullets, but that’s not the case with titanium rounds. Titanium ammunition is sure to cause wear out of a firearm’s barrel. However, it’s possible to find guns that can accommodate this kind of ammo. Thus, you don’t necessarily have to use the standard guns with titanium ammunition.
The density of titanium is lower as compared to lead, and this sets the two apart. Since lead has a higher density, then it can travel a longer distance, and it doesn’t decelerate fast. Therefore, lead ammunition can stay in flight for longer and are suitable for short-range shots. This is something that titanium bullets lack since the material is too light but strong.
Armor-Piercing Capability
It’s possible to find armor penetrating rounds made from both titanium and lead. But the most preferred between the two is titanium ammunition. The cost factor-like seen before discourages the use of these rounds. Hence, since armor piercing rounds have to be high density and strong, tungsten carbide is the preferred material.
Thus, tungsten carbide ammunition is the most used and common. Titanium and lead are available but infrequently used.
Popular Ammunition Accessories
Final Verdict
Titanium metal is known for its rareness and distinctive features. Incredibly, today there is titanium ammunition, and it’s unsurprising to see how intense the rounds can be. It might lack in some discipline but compensates in other ways which a standard bullet can’t. For the effectiveness of the ammunition, it’s essential to follow the guidelines recommended here and from the manufacturer.
Its usability is unlimited but if it’s for hunting, remember safety first, check the surrounding before firing the rounds. With its penetrating capability, this is something you should strictly adhere to. As a shooter, if you want to try something out of the ordinary, try the titanium ammunition.
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36 years old, been hunting and fishing my entire life – love the outdoors, family, and all kinds of hunting and fishing! I have spent thousands of hours hunting hogs and training hunting dogs, but I’m always learning new stuff and really happy to be sharing them with you! hit me up with an email in the contact form if you have any questions.