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Family is all about loyalty and personality. A boxer dog has all the qualities of the best family member. It is protective, a loyal pet, and will guard your family fiercely from strangers. They are quiet breeds, they do not bark excessively, and when they do, it is for a good reason. However, they growl, and it is their way of talking.
Boxer dogs can have a wrinkled and worried face, but they are friendly to the people they know and aggressive to strangers. They are good with children and form genuine bonds with their human family. Before you bring home a pup, you must be ready to give it attention and stability.
What to Know When Buying a Boxer
How Big Do They Grow?
When you stare at a puppy, you can hardly tell that it would grow to be enormous. Male species grow bigger than their female counterparts. On average, a grown male boxer weighs between 60 to 80 pounds. Females are a little small and weigh at around 50 to 60 pounds.
The length of a female is at least 21-inches, but some can grow up to 24-inches when fully grown. The males are longer and will measure between 23-inches to 25-inches.
Most pure breeds will fall within these categories of weight and size. You can determine the size of a puppy by interacting with its parents. When it is a mixed breed, the pups can grow smaller or slightly bigger.
How Much Grooming Will My Boxer Dog Need?
Taking care of a dog needs proper care and maintenance to keep them happy and healthy. Boxer dogs do not need too much grooming as they have a short coat. It is easy to brush their coat and spend less time doing it than when you own a dog with a long coat.
When buying a brush for your dog, a wire brush has bristles that are gentle on your dog’s skin. It will remove the hair your dog sheds without hurting its skin. Also, a boxer dog sheds little hair, which makes it the perfect breed for people with allergies.
They love to play in the water and will not mind jumping in the tab for cleaning. However, you should make it a habit of washing your dog when it is a puppy. It should understand bath time and be comfortable when you bath it.
What are Their Characteristics
These dogs maintain an upright stance when on all four feet; they have a solid build, with taut muscles and a large barrel-like chest. Boxers are a fun species to have around. They are energetic and will run around most times. You will need to take it for regular walks and runs.
When a boxer is happy, they wiggle their tail and hip, and this is one way to determine if your dog is a good pet parent for your child.
They appreciate a family setup and will want to be close enough for physical contact. You should not leave your dog isolated for many hours. When they miss their owners for a lengthy time, some may act out in destructive ways. They can chew on furniture and litter your home.

How Intelligent is My Boxer Dog
There are so many encouraging stories from people who own boxers. The dogs have excellent problem-solving skills. Some can open doors, swim, and escape from cages. Therefore, keep your dog occupied if you want to tone down on some of its undesirable behaviors.
They are also curious animals and headstrong. They can be stubborn at times, but they are often loyal when you give them proper training when they are young.
Health Concerns for Boxer Dogs
Boxers have a small coat, and this makes them vulnerable in cold weather environments. These are warm-weather dogs, and they dislike the cold. But it does not mean that you should not get one because it is winter and you live in the Midwest.
There are ways to keep your dog warm in cold times. You can consider buying a fitting coat for your dog before taking it out for walks. There are waterproof boots to keep their paws warm and dry from the ice and snow.
Common illness in the Boxer breeds is Colitis. It is a bowel disease that affects the colon lining. If you spot blood or mucus on your dog’s feces, it can be a sign of Colitis. Often, the symptoms of this disease will present itself when the dog is turning two.
These dogs can also develop arthritis because they are too active. They can also have other joint, bone, and hip complications. You must watch for your dog’s trouble signs and take it for regular check-ups with a licensed veterinarian.
Training for My Dog
Boxers need lots of training to get them to do simple commands. Their energy levels are high, and it will require more effort to get them in control. Experts suggest that when training your puppy, teach it the down command first.
What Temperament Does a Boxer Dog Have?
Are Boxer Dogs Aggressive?
You do not know what kind of personality your dog will have. Unfortunately, you cannot influence all of your dog’s behavior. Temperament is a genetic issue that a puppy takes after its parents. Before you buy a boxer dog, you should trace the family history of the dog. Guard dogs are associated with aggression, and the descendants will take after this trait as well.
If you want to control your dog’s aggression, you should keep it mentally and physically stimulated. A tired one will not act out or be aggressive.
Are These Dogs Friendly?
Naturally, boxer dog facts show that they are friendly and are not known for more aggression than other dog breeds. Vets consider these dogs the least aggressive dog breed, but they can also be overprotective of their families.
To capture the friendly side of your dog, you should expose it to people and places as much as possible. If the dog has seen something before, it is less likely to interpret it as a danger and overreact.
How do Boxer Dogs Relate with Other Dogs?
Boxers can be uneasy in the presence of other dogs. More so, if they belong to the same sex. When making introductions start slow as they are not easily trusting and endearing to other canines.
But like everything else, boxes have their personalities. You must identify your dog’s nature to keep it safe and avoid a spurt with other dogs. Some of them are friendly, while others will not readily get along with other dogs.
How and When to Socialize with my Dog?
You must observe your dog behavior to know about its feelings and how it will react to different situations. When you are teaching your dog socialization, watch for telltale signs like discomfort or growls. Never force your dog to interact with other dogs if it does not feel like it.
The best time to socialize your dog is when it is a puppy. But even in its senior years, socialization is still possible. Start gently and at a distance. Make sure the process takes place in a neutral location to avoid territorial disputes.
What Natural Instincts Do Boxer Dogs Possess?
Boxers have a rich history as some of the best hunting dogs. Read here about the best hunting dogs. Over the years, they have become versatile, and people use them as guard dogs, police dogs, war dogs, and cattle dogs. Through their history, you must watch out for their instincts as both fighting and hunting dogs.
Embrace their history as guard dogs and train your dog to protect you in the right situations. Learn how to control your dog’s aggression and identify the triggers.
Boxers have a hunting instinct and will chase other animals away. Though this is common in most dog breeds, you should still take caution and understand your dog’s abilities.
What Should I Do to Ensure My Dog is Healthy?
Find dog food that supports the healthy growth of your pup with all the necessary nutrients. Ensure your dog meets all its health requirements, including regular exercises and walks. If you fail to get it right with the training and healthy feeding, your dog may develop behavioral issues that might be difficult to break.
How Do You Train Your Boxer Puppy?
The best time to start training your dog is when it is still a puppy. You have plenty of reasons to train your dog, and it includes discipline and obedience. There are ways to make training success for your boxer pup.
Teaching Them Their Name
Training starts with making the pup aware of its name. You should make it a habit of calling it by its name until it understands you are speaking to it. When your puppy knows its name, it becomes easy to pick other commands in training as well.
Ensure when you call your dog, it makes eye contact with you. When it reacts to its name, you should give it a dog treat to motivate it to learn more and retain the commands. Puppies get distracted easily. Before giving a command, ensure you have all their attention. They also want to earn your praise, so you must keep praising and rewarding them for learning simple commands.
Housebreaking your Boxer Dog
You must train your puppy where to go for potty calls. When your pup reaches eight weeks old, it can understand routine readily. When you are teaching housebreaking, let your puppy out to relieve itself every 2-3 hours after meals.
Letting them out in the morning is also good practice, and they should do their business then. Make sure your pup knows why you are taking it outside. For example, by saying “potty outside,” every time you let it out and rewarding it when it poops will make it learn faster.
Commit to the Training
Help set up your puppy for success with the training. Monitor the times your dog likes to go for its potty duties and be available to let them out around that time every day. Sometimes it is not possible to be around all the time. Limit the feeding times to when you are available, but try not to starve your dogs.
Regular Exercise for your Dog
Boxer dogs are highly energized breeds, and it is unfair to them to keep them without regular exercise and activities. You should take your dog for runs and walks if you want them to have successful training.
If you do not have a big yard, you can take it to the park or a long walk that makes it expand all its energy. When the dog uses all its pent up energy, it will not act out and will readily take in commands during training.
Crate Training Your Boxer Dog
Your dog must get comfortable inside a crate. At some point, dogs have to be in crates, whether at the vets or the pet sitters home. Your dog should not be bothered when you lock it in a crate. The best crate training is locking it up in a spacious cage. Though cages seem cruel, they are handy in most situations.
Crating also limits the likelihood of inappropriate urinating and defecating when the dog is alone. Dogs rarely urinate in their sleep areas, which should make your dog control its bowel movements.
Professionals argue that dogs feel safer in crates and will develop healthy behavioral issues. When dogs are not in crates, they may chew things and harm themselves. Consult your vet to know the best place to put your container in the house and how long you should crate your puppy.
Never train your pup by beating it or hitting. Besides being cruel, it is unnecessary and will be counterproductive to your dog’s training. You should also avoid shouting and yelling at your dog. The key to your dog’s successful training is consistency. If you do not know how to train a boxer dog, hire a certified trainer to instill all the good behavior you want from your dog.
Is a Boxer Good for Hunting?
Boxer dogs are agile and strong. They have the physicality to be a good hunting dog with better training. The history of the dog originates from the Belgian hunting dog Brabanter Bullenbeiser in the 19th century. To make the boxer dog efficient in hunting, you should understand the Bullenbeiser.
They excel in hunting because they have better intuition, are obedient and fearless. An adult hunting dog has the power to take down big game like hogs, deers, and bears.
Successful hunting entails good cooperation between the hunter and the dog. If you are hunting with more than one dog, then you must teach them obedience and teamwork. Hunting boxer dogs that hunt in a pack should be trained together in their early years. They will learn to help each other in a fight or a chase.
These dogs are also good when hunting together with other hunting dog breeds. At first, they may be less accommodative, but when they trust each other, they work together successfully. Boxer dogs are excellent hunters because they have dominant personalities and physicality. They can adapt to any hunting style, whether you are hunting smart, fast, or an intense game.
Another boxer dog fact is that all types; the Brown boxer dog, white boxer dog, black boxer dog, and the mini boxer dog all have excellent hunting abilities.
Frequently asked questions
Why Does my Boxer Dog Shed so Much?
Seasons affect how much a boxer sheds its coat. Yet this is a common misconception. While it is true that a warm climate will make your dog shed more, it is sunlight that makes your dog shed its coat.
In a sunny climate, they respond by shedding their coat. It will continue shedding on any environment as long as it feels the surroundings are warm.
How Often Should You Wash a Boxer Dog?
A boxer dog has a short coat that keeps clean through licking techniques like cats. It means that it can go for several weeks without a full bath. A bath after six weeks will occasionally keep your dog’s skin shiny as it preserves its natural oil on its coat.
Washing your dog every time will make its skin dry and can lead to itchiness.
How do You Bathe a Boxer Dog?
Grooming your dog should include cleaning fur, nails, eyes, ears, teeth, and the wrinkles on its face. Always use canine shampoo and not human shampoo because human shampoo has different PH levels, and most dogs are allergic to them.
What Size Dog Crate is Good for a Boxer?
The best size is large enough to leave headroom and legroom for adult-sized dogs to lay and stretch. The ideal size is 42 inches long, 30-inches high and 28-inches wide. In such a crate size, your pup can have enough space to run around and still fit an adult accommodating its movements.
How Fast Can a Boxer Dog Run?
The dogs are very athletic and have a decent pace on them. They can run up to speeds of 38-45 miles per hour.
Boxer dogs are the best choice to have as a pet. When you train them well, they will have better behavior and obedience. A boxer dog has a lifespan of between 10 to 12 years. It is versatile and can adopt many roles within your family setup.
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36 years old, been hunting and fishing my entire life – love the outdoors, family, and all kinds of hunting and fishing! I have spent thousands of hours hunting hogs and training hunting dogs, but I’m always learning new stuff and really happy to be sharing them with you! hit me up with an email in the contact form if you have any questions.